
Located on 8km of stunning coastline North West of Wellington is Boomrock.  We headed out there on a fairly non descript, dull Wellington day to help test some equipment for the Fleetsafe NZ programme.  Fleetsafe NZ has been developed to create vehicle awareness and driver training. In conjunction with Mercedes-Benz and assistance from the late Peter Brock, Boomrock has a purpose built car testing circuit where one can experience hot laps with professional drivers to hands on driver training.  Because we were there to help test some in car equipment no hot laps were experienced but we were lucky enough to be driving around in a brand new Mercedes-Benz C class car for a couple of hours.  You can read all about Boomrock here at

I had also just purchased a new Canon 70-200mm f2.8L IS II USM lens and these were some of the first test shots with this lens.

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